My Parenting Style Might Differ From Your's And That's OK
I have been blessed to have a lot of friends have babies in the last year or so. It's been so nice to have friends that I can text about the stresses of parenthood and to bounce ideas off of. I am so happy that my sister is in that group as well. Simple questions like, "What kind of foods did you introduce first?" Or "When did your baby drop the 2nd nap?" I have found that living in a state that I did not grow up in to be challenging with this new role. While I am so happy to have family around, unfortunately I don't know a lot of people with babies here. I have found that the culture is different than I'm used to here. I often find myself wondering, "Is this just a Utah thing?" I know that I'm viewed strangely for subscribing to a lot of the attachment-style parenting. I know that people think I'm an overprotective mom. What is attachment parenting? " Attachment parenting is a parenting philosophy that proposes m...